Friday, December 16, 2011

Highlight Reels!

The information superhighway represents two extremes in our world:  unparalleled productivity and vast expanses of time suck.  Without it, we would need to spend an extra 20 hours a week (um, guesstimate) on mundane tasks.  Luckily, we can waste those extra hours in the very (virtual) place that saves us this time. 

Some of the best ways we kick back to watch the sand slip through the glass is by cooing over cute baby or grown-up animals (come on, everyone does this!).  Think of it as your holiday rage cure (it's not just on the road anymore).  How can you not grin while checking out cuties being precocious or snuggly or furry!?

In case you were in a coma this week – baby seal finds his “just right” spot to nap.

This lizard would kick your butt at Just Dance.

Why don't our basements ever get cute bear visitors? No fair!

The supermodel of dogs practices her Jedi mind trick

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