Friday, March 9, 2012

Scheming & Sowing

For many folks with damp cabin fever, this time of year brings out the strong to desire to have the most epic backyard grilling/gardening season ever this summer.  The sketch pad (um, napkins from the bartender) comes out to plan an arbor, rain harvesting system, pervious patio, and of course, a fire pit to extend the season even longer.  To avoid falling prey to the rookie mistake of scheming over beer or coffee all wet season only to feel stunned by glorious Summer into lazing about idly, here are a few tips. 

Step 1:  save your empties (egg cartons, that is).
Step 2:  get some non-GMO, organic seeds.  Look through your FB friends - the ones with the most anti-Monsanto posts can give you some of their seeds.  Or you can hit Cherry Sprout Produce on N. Albina for some nice heirloom seeds.
Step 3:  put some dirt (or potting soil if you are fancy) in your empties and poke some seeds in with your finger.  Stick your masterpiece on the windowsill (indoors for now).  Don't drown them, but don't let them go thirsty - they prefer to drink via daily mist (save the beer bong for when they are older).

By the time those little seeds germinate, you'll be patting yourself on the back and you will truly owe it to your new plant friends to transfer them to a home where they can grow & foster your canning fantasies.  Use this inspiration to set up your outdoor oasis where all your friends look so stunning in the fire light.  Or you could do a sweet and easy container garden this year...   

play date

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